
I am the wick, consumed with his praise and worship

Drawing on the oil of the Spirit

Blazing with His marvelous beauty

Sending up fragrant worship in the smoke of His glory

I remain lit with the fire from His presence

Yet must be maintained,

filled continually with the oil of His love

Trimmed of my spent works

Always in Him alive with His life

Shining forth His light as only I can

Joining with His sons to manifest His love in the earth

Fear Not, undeserved curses

“An undeserved curse will be powerless to harm you. It may flutter over you like a bird, but it will find no place to land.” Proverbs 26:2 TPT.

This verse only speaks of undeserved curses. It doesn’t explain what to do about “deserved”curses. In truth, it makes no difference to the believer. If we are in the light, as He is in the light, then there are no deserved or undeserved curses standing against us any more.

Jesus became the curse for us and nailed all those curses to the tree. So they fall under “it is finished”, and don’t need our works to be annulled.

Being grafted into the living vine supplied by His life force we are above any and all curses. Regardless of the generational roots or ties to others all has been plunged beneath the crimson flow of His blood that ran down the cross to the mercy seat.

The Gospel is a faith issue. Will you stand on the truth that Jesus finished the work of Salvation before the beginning of time and step into His marvelous grace? Or will you continue to strive to “work out your salvation” on the treadmill of works. The choice is yours, striving to qualify for some religious goal to prove yourself worthy of His love or falling into His open arms of grace resting on the finished work of Jesus.

If we have to finish the work of our salvation by completing some list of righteous acts then where is the good news in that. It is merely following another religious system trying to claw it’s way into heaven or nirvana by our effort. The Grace of the Gospel is truly not just good news but the best news ever. It defies all logic and human understanding because it is fueled by God’s impossible love for us. The fact that it is humanly “too good to be true” is the whole point, it has nothing to do with human efforts and everything to do with our transcendent God. His sovereign interruption of time to release us from the tyranny of Religion settled the matter. It is by grace we are saved not of works.

Oh Daddy

Your perfect plan to send Jesus to the world shows me just who you are. Not some angry thunderer, but our loving Papa who was willing to give all for us, to reconcile us back to yourself and show us the depth of your boundless love. You revealed your perfect oneness with Jesus and invited us into that oneness without regard to our state.

Open arms to both the prodigal and the “faithful” sons. Both with their own unique rebellion, one welcomed home from the depths of debauchery and the other the offended unwitting owner of the whole ranch all along. One free from pride to enjoy the blessings the other trapped in his ungrateful pride.

The reality of your love is demonstrated from the foundation of time and eternity yet you have stepped into our reality out of eternity and set everything right between us. Showing us the perfect relationship we now have with you through Jesus by the way he lived in perfect union with you. He told us that he was the perfect reflection or representation of you Papa. His life of love was the ultimate picture of your true nature.

Knowing you’ll never let go of my hand Papa, has me completely undone. Sitting in your lap is the best place to be. Wrapped in your arms of love and under your sheltering wings is the ultimate refuge. Your all consuming love will never be completely understood. Even eternity is not long enough to decipher the depths of your love for us.

““And I ask not only for these disciples, but also for all those who will one day believe in me through their message. I pray for them all to be joined together as one even as you and I, Father, are joined together as one. I pray for them to become one with us so that the world will recognize that you sent me. For the very glory you have given to me I have given them so that they will be joined together as one and experience the same unity that we enjoy. You live fully in me and now I live fully in them so that they will experience perfect unity, and the world will be convinced that you have sent me, for they will see that you love each one of them with the same passionate love that you have for me. “Father, I ask that you allow everyone that you have given to me to be with me where I am! Then they will see my full glory— the very splendor you have placed upon me because you have loved me even before the beginning of time. “You are my righteous Father, but the unbelieving world has never known you in the perfect way that I know you! And all those who believe in me also know that you have sent me! I have revealed to them who you are and I will continue to make you even more real to them, so that they may experience the same endless love that you have for me, for your love will now live in them, even as I live in them!””

John 17:20-26 TPT

The Cross

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me Gal 2:20 NIV

Jesus said it Himself on the cross, “it is finished”. His work of redemption was accomplished once and for all. Our “part” in salvation is to merely come into agreement with what he accomplished on the cross. It’s more a revelation, an unveiling of the settled truth of the cross than a decision of our will.

Jesus broke through the veil of our religious system by submitting to it on the cross. It wasn’t a requirement to assuage Papa’s wrath against us, it was to show forth the futility of our fear based religion and the triumph of His love.

He could have come down here and tried to correct our foolish religious ideas, but instead He submitted to them and through His demonstration of infinite love on the cross abolished the law of religion forever.

Then just to prove beyond all doubt that He had put an end to religion, he raised up from the grave on the third day. The resurrection set Him apart from every other great prophet or spiritual leader or teacher forever.

“For it was only through this wonderful grace that we believed in him. Nothing we did could ever earn this salvation, for it was the gracious gift from God that brought us to Christ! So no one will ever be able to boast, for salvation is never a reward for good works or human striving.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2:8-9‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Miracles or Superpowers

Miracles have that “something special”, “out of the ordinary” mystique. They “break the rules” and alter reality. Super powers as we know them from fiction are the normal reality for the one who possesses them. In light of the Gospel we can see them as natural outflow of the Trinity’s presence in His vessels.

For believers they display the sons of God and empower them to bring heaven to earth. It’s not about us, but Papa showing the manifestation of his glory today in the earth through His representatives here. Being mature sons of the Most High confers on us the ability walk in all the supernatural power Jesus did. That would equate to far more power than all the fictional superheroes combined.

But how do we transition from the unusual, even rare miracle breakthrough to the common supernatural life of a superhero?Restoring the continual flow of power will come through intimacy with Papa, not some special anointing or gifting. The supernatural will just be part of who we are, not some ginned up work of striving to get them or to “faith them up” out of some formula we’ve heard preached.

We are supposed to be walking in the fullness of the power of the spirit which would make such manifestations of glory commonplace. It is only through being deeply in tune with the heart of Papa that we’ll hear His voice tell us when it is time to release power. Join me in seeking His face and learning to rest in His presence, no agendas, no wish lists, just learning to enjoy Him as much as He enjoys each one of us.

Remember, He was willing to come into our world, down to our level just to reconcile us back to unbroken fellowship. To release us from the prison of our misconceptions and the lies we held so dear. It will be out of that pure intimate fellowship that we’ll see supermen and superwomen appear as the manifest sons and release His power to bring heaven to earth.

A day of your own making

As morning skies open up with a flurry of crimson and fire then settle into the azure blue of perfect clarity so does my time with you each day begin with the fire and warmth of my desire to be with you and grow into the pleasant coolness of the gentle waves of peace and glory when we settle into our time together.

Open skies clear access no hinderences between.

First comes a thought of the tasks for the day floating in as a small cloud. Whispers of thoughts gather together and begin to block the blue. Daily life and activities continue to overtake our fellowship and my voice grows dim. The thin whisps gather and cover the blue beauty with grey sameness. You toil away under these closing heavens unaware of you detachment from me.

The clouds build and build blocking out the Sun and my voice is almost imperceptible now. Soon the duties of the day rolls on like the building storm clouds consuming your every thought. Dark and foreboding the troubles of the day close in and the storm clouds unleash their fury.

You hide from the torrential rains and howling winds and remember my name. It is so good to hear from you again today, it is the pleasure of your fellowship that makes me smile. Your cries for help are less important than the fact that you’ve discontinued you efforts to run the show. As the storms begin to clear you once again remember my grace and love.

The clouds dwindle away as the sun begins it’s slow march into tomorrow. Golden rays give way to amber and flames of fire in the sky. My end of day reminder of the passionate fire of my love for you.

“This is the very day of the Lord that brings gladness and joy, filling our hearts with glee.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭118:24‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Looking through the veil

Sitting by a river watching it flow by hearing the water in the arpeggios of the piano music.

First I see petals from the blossoms as they drop off giving way to the fruit which is growing out of the bud.

Then the fruit as it floats by beckoning me to pull it out of the flow and eat of it’s cool refreshing sweetness.

Then the leaves begin to fall and flow by getting caught in the rocks and spinning in the whirlpools.

Slowly the water slows and begins to solidify into the glorious designs of ice, even the cascades turn slowly into frozen pictures of their previous flow.

As the warm breath of spring blows on the ice sculptures they begin to release the torrent trapped inside.

As life comes into bloom once again I see the pollen filtering down into the pools and backwashes coloring them golden.

And so the cycle begins again……

Perfect harmony and balance between life and death, beginning and ending but showing forth that death is not the end, just the beginning of a whole new reality.

But a reality that we can enter into now, Jesus’ death and resurrection opened the way for us to walk, as He did, in continual fellowship with Him in our heavenly worship walk.


unquiet or uneasy, perpetually agitated or in motion, unceasingly active, averse to quiet or inaction.

It has been what seems a perpetual state for me for years. Striving to maintain some arbitrary level of activity that is “necessary” to accomplish my goals or fulfill obligations.

In business, having deadlines, milestones, and project plans are the common way of life. The tyranny of endless todos, coupled with the need to accomplish something, anything, leads to discontentment and frustration which can crush the spirit.

So many times in our life in the institutional church we became over committed to “the ministry” and it was to the detriment of our family life and the witness to our children. It was fueled by that sense of urgency to “accomplish something great for the kingdom”

Solomon said it best, “vanity of vanities” pouring out one’s life in pursuit of some goal but never arriving and never reaching that moment of true rest. Sure you collapse at the end of the day or when the project is declared complete. But the next objective is always laid out in our restless minds to consume us again.

The Kingdom of God is not about striving to earn our way into God’s good graces. It is about coming to the realization that Jesus accomplished our redemption and our job simply is to rest in His glorious grace.

So peace and rest be with you and lay aside the restlessness of our own making..

Audience of One

Who is our worship for?

Is it to make us feel good or get a Holy Ghost goosebump? No, a thousand times no, it’s primarily for Papa, to be a pleasing aroma to Him, a fragrant offering of love directed back to him from the overflow of his love for us. It is so easy to feel like we have to perform or follow a certain mode as prescribed by our community. We are programmed into styles and forms of worship by those in our family of faith. Whether it is quietly contemplative or boisterously exuberant, we try to fit in and go with the flow.

It is also very easy to join in the group think and judge those around us as to the quality and even depth of their worship. Being a musician can really make it easy to fall into critical thoughts about the “quality” of whatever is happening musically. Much like becoming offended by someone else’s exuberance or extravagant actions in worship because they make you feel uncomfortable. I believe these are traps to divert our attention away from the papa and derail our blessings.

Our sole focus must be Papa and seeking His good pleasure, He alone is our audience!

Daily walk

It’s the heavenly work we are called to because it requires our active participation

Years ago I was an avid backpacker, the ability to go anywhere and have all I needed in my pack was what I thought of as true freedom. There were day hikes, long weekends and even extended trips for months. But common to all hikes was the fact that it required putting on foot in front of the other again and again. Up hill and down hill, along rushing creeks, through fields and forests, down dusty roads and over rocky paths. But the rewards over the next hill or in the next canyon were well worth the exhaustion at the end of the day.

Seeking His presence and companionship is the goal of spending time in meditation, worship and in the heavenly realms. The amazing thing is that unlike the hard work of backpacking, walking with the Lord brings refreshing all day long. The disciplines of prayer, meditation, speaking and singing in the spirit and actively engaging with Papa are all part of daily walk. Not duties, but marvelous privileges that bring us into the glorious reality of heaven now. Experiencing heaven is not a sometime in the future thing but it is part of that daily walk. A walk that brings us into the true freedom only found in Jesus.

“If you wait at wisdom’s doorway, longing to hear a word for every day, joy will break forth within you as you listen for what I’ll say. For the fountain of life pours into you every time that you find me, and this is the secret of growing in the delight and the favor of the Lord.”

Proverbs 8:34-35 TPT