Call me Away

You speak my name softly gently, and say “come away with me my beloved. Set aside the worries and cares they are not yours to carry.

You say, “I am your deliverance your quiet refuge your green pasture. This place of still waters and calm breezes is home. I made it for you and I as a secret place of fellowship.  Follow the beckoning call of my sweet soft voice to our refuge together. ”

I will respond to your love whispers as you draw me into sweet communion. Resting my head on your heart hearing the rhythm of life and love deep within I know this is where I belong wrapped in your arms of protection safe from all harm. 

”Oh, how abundant is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you, in the sight of the children of mankind! In the cover of your presence you hide them from the plots of men; you store them in your shelter from the strife of tongues.“

Psalm 31:19-20 ESV

Energy spent

A wise teacher once told me, “Faith and fear take the same energy, each involves believing that what you can’t see will come to pass.” Don’t give fear any energy!

I grew up in this physical world amidst a sea of fear and dread.  Phrases like, “lf it weren’t for bad luck I’d have no luck at all” or “There’s no rest for the weary” or “Why do the good die young?”  were drilled into my psyche for years by relatives who’d seen the desperate yearnings of their hearts broken again and again.  Never physically seeing the truth of God’s victory in the “hidden” world of the spirit.  This is how a lot of “generational” curses work down through our families.

Fear and dread of the future never worked out for my good and developed into habitual worry.  Or maybe there was an assignment of a spirit of dread from the enemy involved.  But, thank God He sent Jesus to overcome fear and dread, replacing them with faith, hope and love. And revealed Himself to me in the glorious Gospel.

Lord Jesus help us today to live in your victory over fear.  Bring to our remembrance the absolute reign you enforced over all opposition. Ushering in our entrance into your kingdom of peace.   Where we can and should rest in the assurance that is expressed in this ancient affirmation of a life without fear but rather filled with faith.

“All is well and all shall be well” 

Let’s place the energy of our hearts in the message of faith in that simple statement which places our complete trust in our heavenly Father.