
Gratitude is easy when we can see and feel the blessings and faithfulness of Papa.   We recently had the rear tire blow on our Goldwing at about 60mph.  I, or probably, our angels slowed the bike down to about 10-15mph by the time we were thrown off.  We landed in the dirt and grass on the side of the road.  The guy in the car right behind us was an Orthopedist, behind him a first responder, behind her a nurse…..   Needless to say we especially blessed to have survived with bruised and broken ribs being the worst of the damage.

It is so easy to feel gratitude for The things we experience in this physical world. We feel the joy and pain, we sense the emotional implications and see the direct results with our eyes. But what about the unseen realm? What about those blessings and special graces which impact our spirit man? They are much easier to ignore or lose sight of. This is one of the reasons we need conscious, purposeful worship in our lives. I know that this blog is about worship being a natural part of life and living and I firmly believe that is true. However, there comes a time when we must take account of the path we are walking and give honor, indeed worship to the unseen hand of providence.

With so much chaos and destruction going on in our world these days it’s easy to lose heart and be caught up by the calamities around us, but we must take our stand firmly on the ground of worship and hold fast to the anchor of faith. Never forget that Papa God and Jesus have ahold of that anchor on the other end.