Dominion regained

As we have seen dominion began with Papa, He created everything thereby exercising His ultimate dominion. He still owns it all and has ultimate authority regardless of how it may appear to us.  The cosmos, world system, is clearly in a huge mess in 2021 Papa has actually retained His dominion behind the scenes.  We’ll actually the finished work of Jesus on the cross was a rather public triumph but the enemy is still down here in earth causing trouble.

It is the responsibility of the ekklesia, the called out ones, the representatives of Jesus on earth to the enforce the victory which Jesus secured in the spirit world on the cross.  The truth of the matter is that the dominion of Papa has been fully restored in the heavenly realms.  The only problem left to clean up is down here on the planet.  Man still has free will to reject the gift of salvation and the resulting order of Papa’s dominion.

Ultimately dominion and peace will be the reality in the cosmos, Jesus secured the ultimate victory of the Kingdom of light over darkness, it is just a matter of time for the submission of all under His feet as Papa promised.  The best part is that the irresistible force of Papa’s love as demonstrated by Jesus draws us all through His goodness which leads us into salvation.

Dominion lost

Adam was given dominion over the earth directly from Papa. He was the ruler of the cosmos and by the constant fellowship he walked in with Papa he stayed connected to the source of all truth.

It was his job to represent Yahweh to creation. To be the visible manifestation of Papa here and exercise Papa’s will on the earth.   His first job was to name all the animals, tend the garden and then be fruitful and multiply.  In other words he was to watch over the creation to ensure the glorious beauty of the garden would expand to fill the whole earth.  That the goodness of God would be visible and evident over the whole of creation.

But deception was already in the earth in the person of Satan.  He had been banished here from heaven and was the embodiment of evil who would provide the choice necessary to prove love.  Sadly he was able to lead Adam and Eve astray with his cunning arguments and crafty lies.  By convincing Adam and Eve there was “more”, that Papa was holding back from them, that there was this special “knowledge of good and evil” and by gaining that they could become like God.

The really sad part is that, they were created in the very image of God. His visible physical representatives on earth, such that when creation saw them it was seeing God.  Just like Jesus said of Himself, “If you’ve seen me you’ve seen the Father.”

Believing this lie, and eating of the one forbidden fruit, Adam gave over his dominion to enemy.  Listening to and following the voice of the serpent put him and his descendants into agreement with the enemy and this disobedience unleashed the rule of sin on the earth.  Hence the death, destruction and mayhem which has been man’s history on earth.

But Papa God…..