Truth lies within

It is clear that we humans have an innate knowledge of the Holy one.  Every culture has reached out to the God they know is there.  Our very conscience dictates a source of the truths we all know deep inside.  The similarities of the world’s religions in their desire to seek goodness and life show forth the inner knowing that God is indeed good.  

Granted, all religion has been tarnished by the works theme, the idea that we must do things to please the holiness of the divine and win personal favor.  But the core knowledge of right and wrong is most generally fleshed out in the deeds required.   Good deeds encouraged and evil deeds shunned.

The holiness of God, like His mercy, leads us to repentance.  Repentance is that change of mind which comes as the blinding light Jesus.  The truth that we are already accepted in the beloved.  We are already made whole and brought back into fellowship by the work of the cross.  No work needed on our part at all.

It is this moment of divine revelation which frees us from the chains of sin and the weight of the burden of reaching up to God in our own efforts.  It is the realization that Jesus already made the way back to fellowship with Papa an easy simple path through His finished work.

For those on the other side of that revelation we know that what was always within us, that spark of good has come fully alive in us through Jesus.   If you haven’t grasped that revelation, listen to the still small voice of conscience, that whisper from Holy Spirit that is calling you home to Papa.