
The woman with the issue of blood touched the hem (fringe) and was instantly healed.  The crowd that gathered after Jesus walked across the lake of Galilee was likewise healed and delivered just by touching the fringe. 

Why the fringe?   Was there something holy about that fringe of His garment?  Was it endowed with special anointing because of the traditional meaning?  Do we as believers all need to wear prayer shawls so that healing will flow through us as well?

The prayer shawl tassels (fringe) were of special significance in that they were intended to serve as reminders of the commandments.  The tallit was to be worn at all times as a constant witness of the covenant between the Lord and His people.   This symbolism has been quite significant to the Jewish people down through the ages. 

While the tallit had unique and special significance in Jewish culture it was more a point of contact for those seeking healing from the master.   The honor given rabbis was great and Jesus reputation as prophet and healer was widely known.  His  touch was known to be all it took to receive healing and deliverance.    Touching the hem of his garment (fringe) was seen as a way to not “brother” the rabbi and stay humble in his presence. 

But the power was not in the knots of the fringe or the special prayers of the one who crafted the tallit.  The real healing virtue and delivering power were in the faith of the one who reached out.   It was the silent answer to the questions Messiah asked so often.  “Do you want to be healed?”  “What do you want from me?”

So, whatever you need; healing, deliverance, provision, by faith reach out to Jesus.  Grab ahold of Him, He’s not too busy or too important to care about you.  Just as He did for Peter, cry out to Him and He’ll save you from drowning in your sea of fear.

Bubbling Up

The very life of God is in us all.

It is the force that continues with each breath we take.

We take for granted our continued consciousness.  

The next moment of life is expected to continue like the last.

But we are literally held together by the will of Jesus.

It is in Him that we consist, that our very molecules maintain their impossible balance.   Atomic forces in perpetual harmony and yet perpetual conflict.   Opposite forces carefully maintained on a microscopic scale yet harmonized and integrated into the whole body empowered by the very breath of Yahweh. 

We move through this life sensing the call of the Lord and walking on the precipice of His overwhelming love.   We must step over into His welcoming arms of love which have been stretched out to us since our beginning. When we dive into the baptism of the Spirit we come fully alive and begin to spread His life abroad in our every step. His Spirit bubbles up in our spirit and becomes yet another stream of His life flowing into a world in desperate need of Him.   Let that unstoppable power of love flow out of you always. 

It is the very act of letting that power of love flow out of our innermost being which is the bubbles of His life being spread abroad.