Who are you?

We’ve been told we are the sum total of our genome and our experiences.  We were either born that way or someone/something has bent us in that direction.   It is common to blame our parents or society for the things we do and believe.  But the passage below from  missionary E. Stanley Jones really cuts through all that mindset.  The mindset which breeds division based on things like circumstances of birth.   And the cultural baggage of our various societies. It goes to the root of the question “Am I the irrevokable result of my past experiences or is there hope for a new day of freedom from my own engrained mindset.” 

“In the genealogy of Jesus was this item: ‘Solomon was born of David by Uriah’s wife.’ Did that ugly patch in his ancestral past break Jesus or cloud him? No, for he was more conscious of his heredity from his Father God, the heredity upward cancelled the heredity backward. You can have a blood transfusion from the Son of God that will cancel the tainted blood of ancestors. You can be born from above and not be born back there.”  

There is no reason to remain tied to the past, to continue beholden to the curses of your family line or “your people”.  Whether those curses are poverty, pride or prejudice, they are all washed away in the blood that flowed down the cross on Calvary cleansing all.  Jesus has offered a new and better life for us going forward if we just accept His gift and step into who you were meant to be.