What is real? Is it our present sensory world? Sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell…… Is it just that which can be sensed with the physical perceptions? Or is this all an illusion? A matrix of present reality to which we are bound in this mortal flesh. We all know down in our knower that there is more to life than just this physical realm.

Some rebel against that innate knowledge and proclaim that there is nothing spiritual. Others dive deep into the spiritual without regard to it’s source or true identity. How shall we then live? Here and now and in preparation for what may come at our last physical breath? If we do not deny the internal knowing of the spirit world then we must seek answers to how it relates to us now.

Seriously, We have all experienced glimpses into the realm of the spirit and have given these events various names; dreams, visions, DejaVu, visitations, encounters, raptures, ecstasies. Some beautiful beyond comprehension others terrifying beyond words.

There is indeed a fascination with the spiritual and the world beyond this physical plain. Man has devised many legends about the world beyond and built many systems to work our way into that world. Either a way to join the gods in their bliss or simply a way to understand the workings of that ethereal realm.

Where does it all come together? Do all roads get you to the same glorious destination. Is there one path which is better? All religious systems go back to some requirement to assuage the wrath of a deity or group of competing deities. Who somehow represent good and evil.

The resulting sacrificial system that came into being over the millennia is so engrained in our collective psyche that no other system makes “sense” to our mind and all “just” legal systems operate the same way. Do “good” and you’ll be OK, break the laws and you’ll pay the penalty.

So the one true Creator of us all, had to abolish this mindset and poured out His love on the whole world to accomplish it. He chose to work inside our most refined, twisted, sacrificial system to annihilate that idea once and for all. He came down here himself as a son of man and fulfilled requirements of that system for our benefit. At which time he totally rendered it null and void.

With no wall of separation left, He welcomes us into His family with open arms. Our only “obligation” is to realize His overwhelming love and join in the celebration. That celebration IS the reality we long for and it is available now.

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