What a quandary, is Papa God justice or mercy?  How can both attributes be so strongly outlined in the Word?

We were created in His image, we are very much like Him in our very design and makeup.  We have today many justice warriors who live from their seat of judgement seeing nothing but the injustice of the world.  I’m not belittling the horrible injustice that does exist in our world but we must dig to the sources of that injustice.  Additionally we must look at the proposed solutions to injustices to make sure we are perpetuating the never ending cycle of injustice.

On the other side many walk in their calling of mercy to the exclusion of any consequences for wrongdoing.  Where is the balance?  Our only hope for finding balance is in Papa.  He’s revealed His character and desires for us in the pages of scripture and ultimately in the perfect representation of Himself Yeshua.

Our job as believers in Messiah is to present Him to others by our example much the same way He lived out His Father’s life before men when He walked the earth.  Extending grace and mercy to those who are truly seeking after the truth of the Father while exposing the evil behind those who live for the enemy and promote his agenda.

The hardest part for men is to distinguish between the two sides.  We can either embrace the extravagant love of Papa or reject it for our own agendas.   Embracing His free gift of grace is easy, walking it out in this world? not so much.  Because His grace is wrapped up with His justice and His worldview.  They can indeed be balanced by looking to the end results of any given issue.  Does it end in life or death?  Papa is the father of life, the creator of all life, His desires for us are all good and filled with blessings.

Living for justice as the highest goal is an open door to death, condemnation, destruction all in the name of “setting things right”.  Everyone seeks both justice and grace because we know down deep that somehow they can coexist.  Deep down we all know that in some mystical way Papa balances those seeming contradictory forces in perfect harmony.

Our only hope to reach that kind of balance is in Yeshua, in getting to know Him better each day by spending time walking with Him daily, listening to His heart, hanging on His every word of truth.

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