We live in a reality which is multidimensional, we are here in the physical “seen” world while at the same time we are in the spiritual “unseen” world. The entire universe, all of reality, is held together by the Word, the very substance of our existence is contained and sustained in the Word of Yahweh.

Yes, there’s a veil which separates the seen and unseen but Yeshua tore it from top to bottom and made a way for us to pass freely in and out. In truth, we are always in both worlds and only need to step through that veil. It is now so thin as to be effectively open all the time. Redeeming that path for fellowship to all who believe was the whole point.

Many have known of this open portal or narrow way but the rein of rationalism has clouded our perception yes even blinded our eyes. It has been relegated to the mystics and shunned as something sinister because it can’t be scientifically proven. Yet quantum physics has bridged a perceived gap between man’s systems of order and the woo woo of the “other side”. There are indeed things which cannot be explained on a purely physical basis which science is just beginning to see.

It is much easier by faith, to take Yahweh at His word that we are both physical and spirit, in fact dwelling in that dual reality from our very beginnings. Stepping back and forth should be normal not unusual, expected not surprising. After all it is all through the Bible and we are living in that same reality as the saints of old. All our progress and scientific knowledge cannot nullify the truth of the Creator, it only serves as proof of His reality.

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