Let’s look at it as an English word and that it is not necessarily related to some formal service in a building specially constructed for meetings. Simply put, worship is defined “adoring reverence or regard”. Yes it is a concept most commonly associated with deity and some form of religious service but I would contend it is more properly, the core of who we are as human beings, fashioned in the image of our creator. We are made to worship, it is built into the center of our soul and psyche that we are most fulfilled by our active worship. For the acts of true worship are an integral part of our relationship with the living God. They constitute our side of the conversation of life in Him. The real question is who / what is the object of our worship for we easily loose sight of the only one worthy.

“Adoring reverence or regard” let’s break that down a bit:
the act of paying honor, as to a divine being, fervent and devoted love
a feeling or attitude of deep respect tinged with awe; veneration.
to have or show respect or concern for.

Now, how about the Hebrew word most often translated worship: shachah [Strongs H7812] To prostrate oneself. (the act of laying down before the object of our adoration)

Is this not what all of life is? laying down our very existence, our time at the altar of whatever we deem the most important thing at that moment. Look at our efforts to gain approval and acceptance in life, the way we offer up our selves totally to the entity from which we desire validation. We will sacrifice everything for a cause or leader just to gain that feeling of worth which comes from such sacrifice and service.

Yet some say, I serve no one, I’m my own master, the captain of my fate…. In the end even if we carry off the facade of self reliance and independence we are still desperately seeking that approval which comes only the true source of life.

more to follow……

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