Who are you 

You are my light and salvation

My expressed glory in the earth

My hands and feet to spread my love to all

Sent forth to display my goodness

The gift of grace and mercy to all you meet

You have come to give life and that more abundantly 

There is none like you, each individual beautifully crafted

Set apart for my glory designed to show forth my love

Your victory over the enemy is sealed 

Completely finished in the heavens 

Just needing your enforcement on earth

You show me to the world in all you do


We are His revelation in this realm.   It was the revelation of the Father that was Jesus main ministry while He was walking in human form 2000 years ago.  One of my favorite preachers has said that Jesus is perfect theology, He is the perfect representation of the Father.  He told his disciples that if they had seen Him they had seen Papa himself.  

What we really need is to grab ahold of the revelation of who we are in Jesus.  He commissioned us as his representatives, yes, ambassadors on this planet and endowed us with the Holy Spirit so that we could exercise the authority He gave us.

It is the revelation of who we are, what authority we have, how we are to enforce His victory over the forces of darkness that is our main goal to comprehend .  If we can grasp the mind blowing fact that we are the very instruments of His will and plan, that we have been given ALL authority, in His name, over every principality, power, and kingdom then we will begin to see heaven on earth.  Our promise of bringing the manifestation of the heavenly realm to earth will become a visible reality. 

The sticking point is that we just don’t believe we have that authority.  We look around at the chaos of this world, the apparent control that evil has, sickness, pain, suffering, destruction and find it hard not to believe our eyes.  But we must hold fast to the revelation Jesus gave us that we are indeed more than conquerors in this life simply because He has already dethroned all the “powers” which exalted themselves when they stole the kingdom from us at the fall.

His revelation is alive in us by the power of the Holy Ghost who confirms that victory in signs wonders and miracles.  It is our job to stand in the restored dominion which we had in the beginning and see the deliverance of our God.

“He stripped all the spiritual tyrants in the universe of their sham authority at the Cross and marched them naked through the streets.”

Colossians 2:15 MSG

Unceasing Worship

As seen in Revelation chapter 4, The four living creatures around the throne of God are locked in eternal worship by the overwhelming beauty of the one on the throne.  This passage was one which always had me hit the eject button when attempting to read Revelation before I was a believer.  It was just to bizarre a scene, I mean, they look kind of like certain creatures but are  covered with eyes and have six wings….  

This scene must have been beyond words for John as he was caught up to the very throne room of the creator.

The song is even more powerful in the Passion translation:

Holy, holy,holy is the Lord God the Almighty!

The Was, the Is, and the Coming!

All of these times are contained in Him:

     He is the whole source of the beginning, the original source of everything that was created.  In Him all things began and find their Genesis.   Through His marvelous deeds all that WAS came into being.  

     By His power everything that exists now is held together and finds it continual life force energized.   He sustains all things to make the present possible he’s the one who enables the IS.

     He has laid out the plan for the ages and has already been there to see it accomplished.  That’s why He knows our future and knows His plans for our good do indeed come to pass.  He’s even told us before hand through His prophets what is COMING and how glorious will be the future.

So back to the creatures around the throne, you know the ones filled with eyes.  They can’t help seeing the Lord of All no matter where they turn in their endless worship.  Every time the look they see His glory and since He’s infinite the never see the same thing twice.  How else would they respond but in endless worship?  Think of it, every time they look He is greater and mor beautiful than the last time, and that last time blew their minds……

Papa, let me have a glimpse of your beauty that captivates the ones in the Throne Room.


“How enriched you are when you crave righteousness! For you will be satisfied.”  Matthew 5:6 TPT

What does it mean to crave righteousness?  

Righteousness has been defined as right thinking, feeling, speaking, and behavior on the part of disciples of the kingdom, those who do what God approves and commands.   So simply to crave righteousness is to seek that right standing with God.  Such a pursuit is the focus of all religion.  Every zealot is seeking to please his particular deity in every requirement commanded by that god.   But in seeking to please their god the religious ones tend to be after some benefit to satisfy a need.  Abundant crops, favor in business, fruitful livestock, fame, fortune, power…..    in religion all these things are to be the real motivation.

This pursuit is actually a never ending task driven by the quality of one’s performance for the god in question.   Even the righteousness of the law of Moses was obtained only by fulfilling the whole of the law which was humanly impossible.  In fact the whole purpose of the law was to show us our utter helplessness in following it completely.  

In reality Jesus fullfilled all the righteous requirements of the law for us and has supplied us with the grace to walk in His victory.   So satisfaction comes to believers not because of our hard work but as a result of our seeking Papa’s presence. 

Ever since the cross, righteousness comes as a free gift thus enabling us to seek after Papa’s very heart with all our heart, all our passion, all our energy, and our every thought.   That grace for righteousness energizes us to where we, mere humans empowered by the very Spirit of God himself.   It is in the seeking that we prove the grace given us to accomplish the goal of satisfaction.


Dominion regained

As we have seen dominion began with Papa, He created everything thereby exercising His ultimate dominion. He still owns it all and has ultimate authority regardless of how it may appear to us.  The cosmos, world system, is clearly in a huge mess in 2021 Papa has actually retained His dominion behind the scenes.  We’ll actually the finished work of Jesus on the cross was a rather public triumph but the enemy is still down here in earth causing trouble.

It is the responsibility of the ekklesia, the called out ones, the representatives of Jesus on earth to the enforce the victory which Jesus secured in the spirit world on the cross.  The truth of the matter is that the dominion of Papa has been fully restored in the heavenly realms.  The only problem left to clean up is down here on the planet.  Man still has free will to reject the gift of salvation and the resulting order of Papa’s dominion.

Ultimately dominion and peace will be the reality in the cosmos, Jesus secured the ultimate victory of the Kingdom of light over darkness, it is just a matter of time for the submission of all under His feet as Papa promised.  The best part is that the irresistible force of Papa’s love as demonstrated by Jesus draws us all through His goodness which leads us into salvation.

Dominion lost

Adam was given dominion over the earth directly from Papa. He was the ruler of the cosmos and by the constant fellowship he walked in with Papa he stayed connected to the source of all truth.

It was his job to represent Yahweh to creation. To be the visible manifestation of Papa here and exercise Papa’s will on the earth.   His first job was to name all the animals, tend the garden and then be fruitful and multiply.  In other words he was to watch over the creation to ensure the glorious beauty of the garden would expand to fill the whole earth.  That the goodness of God would be visible and evident over the whole of creation.

But deception was already in the earth in the person of Satan.  He had been banished here from heaven and was the embodiment of evil who would provide the choice necessary to prove love.  Sadly he was able to lead Adam and Eve astray with his cunning arguments and crafty lies.  By convincing Adam and Eve there was “more”, that Papa was holding back from them, that there was this special “knowledge of good and evil” and by gaining that they could become like God.

The really sad part is that, they were created in the very image of God. His visible physical representatives on earth, such that when creation saw them it was seeing God.  Just like Jesus said of Himself, “If you’ve seen me you’ve seen the Father.”

Believing this lie, and eating of the one forbidden fruit, Adam gave over his dominion to enemy.  Listening to and following the voice of the serpent put him and his descendants into agreement with the enemy and this disobedience unleashed the rule of sin on the earth.  Hence the death, destruction and mayhem which has been man’s history on earth.

But Papa God…..

What is Dominion

The dictionary says “the power or right of governing and controlling; sovereign authority.”  Pretty simple, yes?  Since everything began with Papa God as the creator, by default had all control and authority.  No one or nothing in the creation could possibly ever take away that ultimate authority.  His dominion over everything is forever a settled subject.

Since Papa has total ownership and control of dominion it is perfectly logical that He has every right and ability to delegate that dominion to whomever He wishes.   As we see on the earth there are many domains or kingdoms.  Each one has been established under the umbrella of Papa’s ultimate authority.

So why are some domains festering masses of corruption and others bastions of truth and righteousness.  What caused such divergent outcomes for a system which began as good yes even very good by Papa’s own declaration?  Divergence happened when the dominion given to Adam’s race took on his rebellion and became a tool in the battle of good and evil.

More in the next post……

Distribution not Production

Our job as disciples of the Master is to distribute His blessings, not to confess and believe or gin up enough faith to produce them.  We get caught up in the latest method for holiness or healing or blessing, basically the latest Christian spiritual fad.  We are to be intercessors, going between, representing Yeshua and His Kingdom to the earth.

No matter how well intentioned, the plans or schemes of men cannot produce a single work of the Kingdom.  Yeshua accomplished all the work of the Kingdom on the cross and sealed it when He came out of the tomb.  We are now His hands, feet, and voices on the earth to distribute the blessings from His hand.

So we, if we are walking as His disciples did, in the power of the Spirit, are not to be running around figuring out how to help and bless people as much as we are to stand on His word and distribute the bread of heaven, declare His victory over sin, sickness, poverty and death.  Enforce the victory of His Kingdom over darkness and death.

“But Jesus said, “They need not go away; you give them something to eat.” They said to him, “We have only five loaves here and two fish.” And he said, “Bring them here to me.” Then he ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass, and taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven and said a blessing. Then he broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds. And they all ate and were satisfied. And they took up twelve baskets full of the broken pieces left over. And those who ate were about five thousand men, besides women and children.”

Matthew 14:16-21 ESV


Bearing one another’s burdens

Intercession is not just some form of prayer, it is defined as mediation, it’s the act of stepping in between opponents and representing one against the other.  It is one of Papa’s ways of administering the blessings of the covenant through us.

We are to bear each other’s burdens as parts of the same body of Christ.

From the Greek words used to describe intercession in the Bible.

Paga: He “lays on” us someone else’s need and us that burden to step into the gap for them and intercede on their behalf.

Anechomai: We “stake” ourselves to that person literally joining with them like you put a stake on a tomato plant to strengthen it we come along side them to support them.

Bastazo: We “carry away” the weakness or burden just as the scapegoat carried the sins on Israel we, as representatives of Jesus on earth take on the burden for them and carry it to the cross.

As we join together and bring the burden before the judge of the universe we lay hold of the promises and victory of the cross and enforce the final judgement against the enemy.  Remember this is a settled thing, Jesus triumphed over the lord of darkness and made a display of that victory by parading the looser before the host of heaven.  All heaven knows the battle is won and we must bear witness of that fact here on earth by being Jesus connected body.

Thanks to Dutch Sheets book Intercessory Prayer

His dwelling place

We are collectively His holy temple.  The ekklesia (called out ones), his government on the earth, the body of Christ.  We each hold the incredible deposit of the very Spirit of God and as one new man embody the army of heaven on the earth.

It is a solemn thing to be His representatives here in this realm. We tend to take it too lightly, too casually, it appears to be just group we belong to.   An assembly which meets once each week with maybe some other gatherings for the really dedicated members.

But we each individually contain the same Spirit which moved over the face of the deep, which invaded the upper room, which raised Jesus from the tomb.  Yes the Spirit of the living God dwells in us each one.  There is an endless source of life giving world changing power in every believer.

What is truly amazing is how together as one man we can accomplish the restoration of all things because of the Holy Spirit artwork in us.  Papa accomplishes His will on earth through men and women walking in His ways.  It is His Spirit which binds us together in unity whereby we can change the world.

It was just 120 people in that upper room who changed the course of history. But they had to wait there until they were filled from on high with the power (dunamis, explosive power) to bring that transformation about.  Each one filled with their specific gifting destined to come together collectively as an unstoppable force.

“This entire building is under construction and is continually growing under his supervision until it rises up completed as the holy temple of the Lord himself. This means that God is transforming each one of you into the Holy of Holies, his dwelling place, through the power of the Holy Spirit living in you!”

Ephesians 2:21-22 TPT
