Ambassador’s of Heaven

If we are truly walking in the way of the cross, we are to be ambassadors of the Kingdom just like Paul (Zeph 6:20).  

Ambassadors are sent to a foreign land to represent the country they are from.  To bring that kingdom’s rule to the area they occupy in their host country.  They are to be accurate examples of the ruler of their home country to display the wealth and power of their homeland.   

Each consulate is a sovereign part of the country they are from.  On the grounds of that compound the law of their home country reigns supreme.  Additionally they have diplomatic immunity in the host country to perform their work without restraint or any kind of limits.

We as ambassadors must be about the business of the kingdom of heaven while we are here on earth.  Sharing the good news of Jesus and doing the works He promised we would do to a greater extent than He did while walking the earth as a man. 

So lay hold of your diplomatic immunity, step out in faith and boldness to demonstrate the revelation of Jesus in the power of His mighty works.  Bringing Peace, Love, Joy, Life, Healing, and Deliverance everywhere we walk in this foreign land.  Be an open display of the power and riches of Heaven.  Just the way Jesus infused the Kingdom into wherever He set His feet.


Isn’t it strange that unbelief always gets what it expects. It lives in the realm of broken dreams and unfulfilled promises.  When we walk in doubt and fear our expectations seem to be manifested all the time.  It is actually faith in the negative results, hope in the wrong ending.  

Unbelief is the reliance on our physical senses to the exclusion of the spirit realm.  Everything is viewed through the filter of what has happened beforehand.  What has been will always be, and everything is merely a karmic repeat of what happened in the past.  Are you getting depressed yet?

But God,

That simple statement is the key, Papa God is the monkey wrench that has been “thrown into” our physical world. You know, the normal visible world which we think we’ve figured out because that’s all there is.   He is the wild card of faith and hope, the antidote to unbelief.  It is in following Him that our hearts become filled with faith and belief in the impossible.  All the laws and rules we have observed here in this realm are subject to Him and therefore easily superseded by His will. 

Join me in letting go of unbelief and holding fast to the unlimited hope of faith in God. 

Working for Grace

The work of grace happens within us.  Our battle is in our mind and will, where we must surrender our thinking to Jesus.  We have all these preconceived notions of how we attain to righteousness built around religious thoughts and practices. Our whole outlook is, “What do I have to do to please God”. How can I reach Him from “down here”. 

The work is setting aside the things religion has engrained in us, which is the lie actually perpetrated in the first lie, that Papa God was keeping the best from us.

From the beginning Papa provided everything needed for our life and fulfillment free from our need to do anything to earn it.  It has always been His grace that saves us, not any works that we may do.  The only work is to accept the settled fact that He came down to earth to show us His all encompassing love and obliterate the systems of religion with His unbounded grace and mercy.

Our only job is surrendering our stubborn will to accept that free gift of salvation.   No special penance, no magical prayer, no mystical path, no arduous journey, just a simple Yes, I believe you have set me free from the prison of religion.   Your grace trumps all my striving. 

Striving for Peace

What an apparent oxymoron.  Striving for peace can carry the connotation that we must confront and defeat conflict.  This can lead to forcing peace on a situation which starts to look like the conflict it is supposed to replace.

Yet there is indeed a striving which goes on between our ears.  Or as some say getting that revelation from God to travel the 18″ north from our heart to our mind.

The peace of God is a fact.  In Him there is no strife or unrest,  His Kingdom is peace and joy and rest and we are ushered into that kingdom by virtue of the finished work of the cross.  The difficulty for us is that the notion of salvation by grace is so foreign to the world system we are born into that we must catch the revelation of it and make the conscious decision to accept it for ourselves. That is where we strive,  not to make it happen ourselves but to set aside all our preconceived notions of working our way up to heaven. 

We are already accepted in the beloved.  Fully atoned for, made righteous through no act of our own.  We are indeed already at peace with our Creator as far as He’s concerned, He’s merely waiting on us to make that realization and accept it as fact in our lives. 


Your mercy flows like a river.  In all its ways mercy is like a river flowing from your throne.  We see mercy as something too good to be true.  Unfathomable in its depth and power.  We step a toe in at first because it seems unreal that forgiveness is poured out in such a mighty flow.  Gingerly stepping in to see if it’s really true that your mercy has no bounds.  Yet as we take steps into this river of love we find that the gentle currents give way to a pull on our souls which is irresistible then overwhelming.  As we embrace the mercy we are carried away by a force so deep and wide that there’s nothing we can do but embrace your love and surrender to the fact that your mercy is shown without limits, without repentance, without end.   

”The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.“

Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV

Carriers of Glory

“So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. By this is love perfected with us, so that we may have confidence for the day of judgment, because as he is so also are we in this world.”

1 John 4:16-17 ESV

Jesus walked in the manifest Glory of God.  Everywhere He went, the manifest presence of Papa, was demonstrated in healings, miracles and wonders.  He told us as believers that we would walk in the same manifestations as he did and even more!

“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.”

John 14:12 ESV

It was the very presence, the Glory, which Jesus walked in that overpowered the law of sin and death around Him.  We are to walk in the light as He is in the light.  Carrying the Glory of heaven here on earth.   Enforcing His rule and reign in the domain of men.

Moses spent 80 days altogether in the very Glory cloud up on Mt Sinai and walked in perfect health till he went home at 120.  Peter demonstrated this very principle of Kingdom living by the way his shadow would heal those he merely walked by.  Paul would touch pieces of cloth and they would carry that glory (anointing) to whoever was in need of healing and release the glory there. 

Should we not walk likewise?  We are under the same new covenant as the early disciples.  The centuries of church doctrines to the contrary do not negate the very words of Jesus and the testimony of the saints in the Word.  We are carriers of the light of Jesus. 

Step out in faith and begin to release the Glory, the light of Jesus into this dark and dying world.  Brothers and Sisters, we are the answer because we carry the Glory. 

Caged No More

Our mind is the source of our perception of the world.  We see everything through the lens of our experience filtered through either reason or faith. 

We frame everything in regards to what we’ve come to believe is the reality around us. It is our safe space, our comfort zone but it’s really a cage if it’s constructed from reason not faith. 

We become imprisoned, snared and in bondage to what we believe. You’re either in bondage to what you believe or are liberated by what you believe in the Word.  “Allen D Bruce”

The truth of the Word, both written and living in the person of Jesus unlocks that cage.  We hide inside the comfortable “safety” of our beliefs which we’ve constructed from our experience.  The world makes sense when we view it from our protected place in the cage.  It keeps out anything that contradicts its bars.   Yes the very bars which make up our cage are made from ideas and thoughts reasoned out in our minds.

When Jesus shows us the way, the truth and the light our caged world is shattered and freedom rushes in.

Faith opens a whole new world outside the cage and we begin to see clearly the limitless possibilities of life in the Spirit.   The more we seek Him, His face, His glory, the more He leads us into all righteousness and orders our steps.   The whole world, outside the cage, falls into place and our life has new meaning well beyond the visible sphere. 

It is in the relentless pursuit of Papa God that we find our true purpose and fulfillment.  Free from that cage we built to keep us “safe”.

Let us keep going after God for there is freedom in no-one else.

Prayer is Worship

Laying down your life in prayer daily is indeed worship, surrendering your will to His is the height of worship,  saying that His plan is the best course for your life is coming into agreement with the One who has your best in mind.  

Our flesh tends to rebell against the control of another.  We want to plan out all the details and possibilities of life as if we are actually in the driver’s seat.   Yes, ultimately our will is what determines our destiny, but the guiding hand of God has great influence on our best destiny.  Seeking His Kingdom first, His will, His glory, His Face in prayer, not just His hand of provision is one of our highest callings.   And as we take that time to wait upon the Lord, to listen for that still small voice we grow ever closer to His plan for us.   His plan which is our highest calling and destiny is what we were specifically made to accomplish in this life.

Start your day with this worship prayer.

“Lord, I submit myself to You. All that I am or hope to be, my past, hopes dreams, wishes, desires and needs, I submit everything to You, God. I submit my successes and failures, my members, thoughts, imagination, and life to You. I surrender everything to You.” 

“Now, Lord, I resist the devil and because I resist him, he must flee. I choose to draw near to You, Father and I thank You, Father, that You draw near to me.”

From: Biblical secrets of a supernatural life by Allen D. Bruce

Wrapped in Jesus

When Papa God looks at us, He sees Jesus because as He said we are in Him.  Literally wrapped up in the blanket of grace.   I know it feels like we are still the same old person, stumbling and falling on our daily walk but the Creator of the cosmos, Yahweh Himself set things up to where those who accept Jesus’ finished work as their own salvation are forever place in Him (Jesus).

So how are we then to live?

Fully embrace the heavenly gifts from the Father of lights.  Step into the fullness of the gospel and in the power of the Spirit, live for Him.   It’s not a question of rules and regulations, do’s or don’ts.  Our walk in this life is about hearing the voice of the Lord, through the Spirit and following Him to the best of our ability.

Are we going to perform perfectly?  That’s the wrong question to ask.  Rather is our heart continually seeking His face, His presence, His power to change things here in this world.

Our one example is  Yeshua, our Messiah,  He is the perfect image of the Father and showed us how to walk this life out.  Sharing His love for everyone, reaching out with healing, blessing and restoration.  Bringing others to the saving revelation of Jesus.  So they too can be wrapped in His love.

“Every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm has already been lavished upon us as a love gift from our wonderful heavenly Father, the Father of our Lord Jesus—all because he sees us wrapped into Christ. This is why we celebrate him with all our hearts! And in love he chose us before he laid the foundation of the universe! Because of his great love, he ordained us, so that we would be seen as holy in his eyes with an unstained innocence. For it was always in his perfect plan to adopt us as his delightful children, through our union with Jesus, the Anointed One, so that his tremendous love that cascades over us would glorify his grace —for the same love he has for the Beloved, Jesus, he has for us. And this unfolding plan brings him great pleasure!”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭1‬:‭3‬-‭6‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Streams of Glory

The small stream which flows through the garden of your spirit is the manifestation of the river of life in you.   It begins so small, even as a spring of life bubbling up out of your innermost being.  It’s a cool refreshing sensation on your tired feet as you sit quietly talking to Jesus in your garden.  

He says, “We have walked all day in the cool of the morning and in the glorious sunshine of midday and now it is the time of rest and reflection.  Reflection on all the things we’ve shared in our walk today.  My love for you is boundless, I showed you how much when I stretched out my arms on the cross.  Giving up everything to secure our future together was the sweetest gift of all.   Now as we walk together by this stream we’ll see how it flows together with many others into the very river of life which flows from my throne to the ends of the earth. Share this water of life with all you meet. It is pouring out from your belly to water the earth and bring eternal life with me to all.   Rejoice that I’m using you to reach all my children.”