Distance and Delay

Religion thrives on two lies, distance and delay!

Religion assumes that god is either a distant being who has little concern for his creation or a group of gods merely playing a game. He’s in no hurry to intervene in the affairs of men. Humans were left here to figure this whole life thing out on our own. We can come up with our own methods to reach out to him. It doesn’t matter too much how we go about that as there are many paths and truthfully they all look to be very similar. 

We look at the circumstances around us and find ways that seem to appease the deity or maybe even deities. There’s no real relationship other than that. Appease the angry gods so that they’ll bless us as a reward or maybe just let up in the torment they appear so eager to inflict. The gods are quite removed from our experience, just sort of watching from the stands not willing to interact with the players on the field. 

The good results are always delayed from our perspective and the bad results continue on long after the perceived offense.   This lends proof to the perceived aloofness of the deities, it really appears they are just playing with us on the game board of this planet. 

All of this gives fuel to the engine of Religion and its relentless pursuit of appeasement.  The soul crushing burden of figuring out all the rules and then living in a way that somehow satisfies the system. 

But Jesus……


He came to demonstrate the Father’s love for us and His deep desire for close relationship with the whole of humanity.   Run from religion and into the arms of our father who’s been waiting and watching for us to return to Him.