Faith & Hope

Faith celebrates what is certain what hope visualizes as future. Yes Faith is the full grown fruit of hope. We hope for things that would be good or blessings. For evil to be vanquished or bad times to cease. It is the fuel which keeps man going at his basic nature. But true faith is the out growth of hope fueled by the knowledge of our great savior.

Faith comes when we are fully convinced of our hopes and dreams. When by the assurance of Jesus’ finished work on the cross we know without doubt that our trust in His promises is sure. That’s true faith, not just some super duper wish but a rock solid knowing that what He told us would come to pass is an absolute certainty.

Hope is the seed in the garden of our faith.

Unity or Courage

Let’s think about what accomplishes the greatest results for the Lord.

Is it a massive gathering together that makes things happen?  Does it really work to get as many “prayer warriors” as you can on your prayer chain.  Does the solemn assembly shake the gates of hell just because of the massive number of participants?

What do we see in the Bible.

Israel was unanimous in their decision to believe the ten spies who brought an evil report of the promised land.  That decision cost them 40 years in the wilderness where their bodies littered the sands.

Only two, Joshua and Caleb, had the courage to believe the Lord’s promises and they were only ones in their generation who conquered the promised land. 

This scenario is repeated again and again where the Lord sent a deliverer who stood up in divine courage and lead the children of Israel into the victory the Lord had promised.  David, Joshua, Caleb, Ehud, Gideon, Samson and on and on….

Mighty men of Valor

Not mighty men of unity

It is the valor of the courageous ones that inspire the masses to join in to the unity and make a movement not the other way around.