There’s nothing quite like the joy of discovery in the face of an infant.  The whole of God’s creation is set before his eyes for wondrous delight.  How much should we be like that child as we dig into the beauty that is Yahweh?  For that little one everything is brand new, bright and shiny,  everyone he meets is a new friend.  Every window a new portal of delight. Every face reflects another facet of Papa God.

What must we do to keep that wide eyed wonder of discovery going?  Dig in deeper every day to your relationship with Jesus.  Spend the time with Him in the heavenly realms walking with Him in the cool of the day, resting with Him in green pastures.  We are like Him capable of living in the terrestrial (physical) World and in the Spirit (heavenly) world at the same time.  As He is so are we in this world.

Having simultaneous access to heaven and earth gives us limitless capability to discover not only in the sweet by and by after we die, but even now as we walk in the spirit with Him.  We are not limited to this physical realm or what our minds can comprehend.  We like that infant will experience the unbridled wonder of discovering the limitless beauty of our Lord and His eternity.

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