Peace or Strife

The earth brings forth life from the seeds of faith hope and love.   I mean everything and everyone passes life on to the next generation.  But what exactly do we pass on as the quality of that life?  Is it strife or peace?

Chaos (strife) is a state of utter confusion or disorder; a total lack of organization or disarray.  It is the state of this world left on its own. Since the fall, everything decays and returns to dust, yet even in that return to dust new life is born.  So there is redemption and ultimately life and order even in the cycle of chaos.

Peace comes when Yahweh’s authority overcomes Chaos.

Stepping into the realm of Yahweh’s rule and reign brings us into the realization that peace is a place of dwelling not just a passing phase or some endless cycle.  It’s where we actively rest in the arms of Yahweh or under His wings of protection.  He is always there, at perfect peace, not surprised or rattlled by anything happening in the cosmos. 

Papa has graciously given us the ability to dwell with Him forever, so ultimate peace and tranquility is promised to those who love and seek to abide in His love.


“For it is God’s will that we hold us in comfort with all our might: for bliss is lasting without end, and pain is passing and shall be brought to nought for them that shall be saved. And therefore it is not God’s will that we follow the feelings of pain in sorrow and mourning for them, but that we suddenly pass over, and hold us in endless enjoyment.” From Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich

What is our ultimate destiny? If you grab ahold of the grace extended by Jesus then it is most certainly bliss like Julian of Norwich spoke of back in the middle ages.  The trials and tribulations of this earthly voyage are but a distant memory in the glory of eternity.  Jesus himself counted all the pain and suffering of the cross to be well worth it for the glory of eternity back with Papa God along with all those who would follow Him.

Realize that Jesus is offering you, at His expense, an eternity of joy and rapture in the very presence of the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.  We’ll be welcomed in as a son or daughter of the most High with full royal privileges.  The message is not about who’s going to miss out on this and suffer eternally but who is going to accept the free gift of abundant life.   It’s not a difficult decision when one sees the bliss ahead and the option to leave suffering behind.