The work of grace happens within us. Our battle is in our mind and will, where we must surrender our thinking to Jesus. We have all these preconceived notions of how we attain to righteousness built around religious thoughts and practices. Our whole outlook is, “What do I have to do to please God”. How can I reach Him from “down here”.
The work is setting aside the things religion has engrained in us, which is the lie actually perpetrated in the first lie, that Papa God was keeping the best from us.
From the beginning Papa provided everything needed for our life and fulfillment free from our need to do anything to earn it. It has always been His grace that saves us, not any works that we may do. The only work is to accept the settled fact that He came down to earth to show us His all encompassing love and obliterate the systems of religion with His unbounded grace and mercy.
Our only job is surrendering our stubborn will to accept that free gift of salvation. No special penance, no magical prayer, no mystical path, no arduous journey, just a simple Yes, I believe you have set me free from the prison of religion. Your grace trumps all my striving.