We come to Jesus, broken and beaten down by the weight of our sin and shame. It is a moment of total humility and utter despair when we come to the realization that we are wandering through life, lost without Him and separated from the God of the universe by our own actions and will.
But glorious peace and joy come as we surrender our will to His plan for our lives. It is out of total failure to make our own way that we come to salvation through Jesus. Life as a believer is a path through ecstatic joys and deepest tragedies we walk in daily victories and failures because we are not perfect as Jesus is.
The key to a successful life is to stay on the narrow road, to keep getting back up when we fall and forge ahead when we stumble. Because the Spirit of grace is always there giving us the strength for the next step and the cloud of witnesses is cheering us on to reach our goal.
Jesus will never leave us or forsake us!!
We fail our way into the kingdom of God. It starts with grace, and it ends with grace. Like the Word says, grace is not an excuse to fail or to sin. It is there to cover us, put our feet back on the straight and narrow, and mold us into sons and daughters. He is looking for availability and a teachable, sincere heart. Remember, it’s “not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord!”” Lonnie Frisbee