Why do we tolerate the enemy

Jesus took on everything we were in our life of sin. The record of our lives, the sentence proclaimed over our guilt, the impending doom we felt at every moment and nailed it all to the cross   All our rebellion and disobedience was erased on that glorious day. All we were in Adam, was canceled in that public display of the cross. 

In His triumph Jesus made a public spectacle of the powers and principalities of darkness, totally disarming them removing any weapon they might try to use against us or any supposed spiritual authority they formerly wielded over us.  He lead them around like the defeated prisoners of war they truly are. 

He delegated all authority and power to us to rule and reign over the works of the enemy so we are to operate from His throne of glory. We are seated with Him in heaven right now as we speak.  We are no longer prisoners of the dark one but rather we are the victorious captors of the whole kingdom of darkness.   

The idea that we are fighting an uphill battle is simply a lie which only has as much power over us as we give it.   We are truly ruling and reigning from our heavenly position of totally settled victory.   So why are we waiting to take back our rightful dominion?  Why are we giving up ground which Jesus secured for us?  We are tolerating an enemy who has no real power because that is what we’ve been taught by centuries of Church doctrine.  

Cast it all aside brothers and sisters, believe that Jesus has finished the complete work of our redemption and victory and act like it is so.

Who are we?

We’ve been made holy by our being joined to Him

We’ve been given every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm 

We’ve been chosen to be his very own from eternity past 

We’re holy in his eyes with unstained innocence 

We’re adopted as his delightful children

His tremendous love is poured out over us

We’ve been given the treasures of redemption by his blood

All forms of wisdom and understanding have been released within us

We were given our destiny and empowered to accomplish it by his power

We’ve been given the Holy Spirit as a promise and the empowerment to complete his plan for us

We’ve been given access to Gods immeasurable power through the faith he gave us

We’ve been given authority to represent Him on earth as His body

We are seated with Him in the heavenly places

He has given each one of us a destiny that we will fulfill 

We are his dwelling place, the very holy of holies.