Bearing one another’s burdens

Intercession is not just some form of prayer, it is defined as mediation, it’s the act of stepping in between opponents and representing one against the other.  It is one of Papa’s ways of administering the blessings of the covenant through us.

We are to bear each other’s burdens as parts of the same body of Christ.

From the Greek words used to describe intercession in the Bible.

Paga: He “lays on” us someone else’s need and us that burden to step into the gap for them and intercede on their behalf.

Anechomai: We “stake” ourselves to that person literally joining with them like you put a stake on a tomato plant to strengthen it we come along side them to support them.

Bastazo: We “carry away” the weakness or burden just as the scapegoat carried the sins on Israel we, as representatives of Jesus on earth take on the burden for them and carry it to the cross.

As we join together and bring the burden before the judge of the universe we lay hold of the promises and victory of the cross and enforce the final judgement against the enemy.  Remember this is a settled thing, Jesus triumphed over the lord of darkness and made a display of that victory by parading the looser before the host of heaven.  All heaven knows the battle is won and we must bear witness of that fact here on earth by being Jesus connected body.

Thanks to Dutch Sheets book Intercessory Prayer

His dwelling place

We are collectively His holy temple.  The ekklesia (called out ones), his government on the earth, the body of Christ.  We each hold the incredible deposit of the very Spirit of God and as one new man embody the army of heaven on the earth.

It is a solemn thing to be His representatives here in this realm. We tend to take it too lightly, too casually, it appears to be just group we belong to.   An assembly which meets once each week with maybe some other gatherings for the really dedicated members.

But we each individually contain the same Spirit which moved over the face of the deep, which invaded the upper room, which raised Jesus from the tomb.  Yes the Spirit of the living God dwells in us each one.  There is an endless source of life giving world changing power in every believer.

What is truly amazing is how together as one man we can accomplish the restoration of all things because of the Holy Spirit artwork in us.  Papa accomplishes His will on earth through men and women walking in His ways.  It is His Spirit which binds us together in unity whereby we can change the world.

It was just 120 people in that upper room who changed the course of history. But they had to wait there until they were filled from on high with the power (dunamis, explosive power) to bring that transformation about.  Each one filled with their specific gifting destined to come together collectively as an unstoppable force.

“This entire building is under construction and is continually growing under his supervision until it rises up completed as the holy temple of the Lord himself. This means that God is transforming each one of you into the Holy of Holies, his dwelling place, through the power of the Holy Spirit living in you!”

Ephesians 2:21-22 TPT