Heavenly Realms

We have this perception from religion that heaven is “up”.  However we live in heavenly realms, seated in heavenly places, just as we live in this physical realm.    We needn’t “ascend into the heavens” to touch His face with our worship.  However the heavenly realms are all around us all the time.  Stepping into the heavenly realm is an act of faith based on our revelation of His love.  In fact Heaven is as near as our next breath not just our destination when we die.

Papa promised through Jesus to lead us into all wisdom and that by faith.  Our real problem with this reality is how strongly we are tethered to the physical world in this body.  Our physical senses scream so loudly to us about our surroundings that our spiritual senses seem silent at times.  However our spiritual senses are indeed more real than our physical ones as this body will pass away but our spirit will continue on and we shall be like Jesus when we see Him face to face.

Let us step out in faith with our spiritual senses and realize that our worship can expand into the heavens all around.  Into the kind of reality that our big Brother Jesus walked in when He was here over-riding the “physical laws” and literally revealing heaven on earth.  Not “bring them down” but opening the eyes of those around Him to the reality of heaven as a present destination that we actually live in at the same time as this physical world.