Distance and Delay

Religion thrives on two lies, distance and delay!

Religion assumes that god is either a distant being who has little concern for his creation or a group of gods merely playing a game. He’s in no hurry to intervene in the affairs of men. Humans were left here to figure this whole life thing out on our own. We can come up with our own methods to reach out to him. It doesn’t matter too much how we go about that as there are many paths and truthfully they all look to be very similar. 

We look at the circumstances around us and find ways that seem to appease the deity or maybe even deities. There’s no real relationship other than that. Appease the angry gods so that they’ll bless us as a reward or maybe just let up in the torment they appear so eager to inflict. The gods are quite removed from our experience, just sort of watching from the stands not willing to interact with the players on the field. 

The good results are always delayed from our perspective and the bad results continue on long after the perceived offense.   This lends proof to the perceived aloofness of the deities, it really appears they are just playing with us on the game board of this planet. 

All of this gives fuel to the engine of Religion and its relentless pursuit of appeasement.  The soul crushing burden of figuring out all the rules and then living in a way that somehow satisfies the system. 

But Jesus……


He came to demonstrate the Father’s love for us and His deep desire for close relationship with the whole of humanity.   Run from religion and into the arms of our father who’s been waiting and watching for us to return to Him. 

Faith & Hope

Faith celebrates what is certain what hope visualizes as future. Yes Faith is the full grown fruit of hope. We hope for things that would be good or blessings. For evil to be vanquished or bad times to cease. It is the fuel which keeps man going at his basic nature. But true faith is the out growth of hope fueled by the knowledge of our great savior.

Faith comes when we are fully convinced of our hopes and dreams. When by the assurance of Jesus’ finished work on the cross we know without doubt that our trust in His promises is sure. That’s true faith, not just some super duper wish but a rock solid knowing that what He told us would come to pass is an absolute certainty.

Hope is the seed in the garden of our faith.

Unity or Courage

Let’s think about what accomplishes the greatest results for the Lord.

Is it a massive gathering together that makes things happen?  Does it really work to get as many “prayer warriors” as you can on your prayer chain.  Does the solemn assembly shake the gates of hell just because of the massive number of participants?

What do we see in the Bible.

Israel was unanimous in their decision to believe the ten spies who brought an evil report of the promised land.  That decision cost them 40 years in the wilderness where their bodies littered the sands.

Only two, Joshua and Caleb, had the courage to believe the Lord’s promises and they were only ones in their generation who conquered the promised land. 

This scenario is repeated again and again where the Lord sent a deliverer who stood up in divine courage and lead the children of Israel into the victory the Lord had promised.  David, Joshua, Caleb, Ehud, Gideon, Samson and on and on….

Mighty men of Valor

Not mighty men of unity

It is the valor of the courageous ones that inspire the masses to join in to the unity and make a movement not the other way around. 

Scandalous Gospel

Define Scandalous:

Disgraceful; shameful or shocking; improper

Making people shocked and upset
Oxford Cambridge dictionary


In a world filled with religions there are so many rules like;

  • Don’t eat this, don’t do that, say this prayer, read this holy book
  • Make this pilgrimage, observe this holiday, fast from this or that
  • You must be ashamed of yourself and pay penance for your sins
  • Follow what the holy man says, he understands how this stuff works
  • Do not question the system

After all, God sits on the throne in heaven with a bucket of lightning bolts, just waiting to execute judgement on you when you mess up.  He’s been angry with the sinful world ever since Eve gave Adam that apple to eat.

That’s not what Jesus talked about as he walked the hills and valleys of Israel and taught the multitudes sitting on the hillsides and seashore. He ridiculed the whole idea of religion and its impossible requirements to attain favor from the Holy One.  Works, works, works, endless futile works to acquire enough brownie points to make the grade and somehow “make it into heaven”.

The paths of religion are as many and varied as man’s imagination, but all end in the same frustration.  We just can’t be good enough, even though we try so hard.  We even compare ourselves to others who are “more evil” than us to prove that we will get a pass and make it past those pearly gates.

The scandal is that Jesus came to tell us that we don’t have to try to be good enough, because He knows its not possible.  Through His overwhelming love for us He has already made us “good enough”.  He took all our sins and evil into Himself on the cross and carried them away as far as the east is from the west.

The Gospel flies in the face of all religion.  Jesus shatters all the assumptions man has made in his quest for God.  This is the scandalous nature of the Gospel. It makes no sense to the Religious mind. It makes no sense to the Rational mind. It’s nonsense to the scientific mind. But the mind blowing truth is, Jesus and what He said. Many find it too good to possibly be true but, but wouldn’t an all loving Father God “break all the rules” to redeem the children He loves!


There’s nothing quite like the joy of discovery in the face of an infant.  The whole of God’s creation is set before his eyes for wondrous delight.  How much should we be like that child as we dig into the beauty that is Yahweh?  For that little one everything is brand new, bright and shiny,  everyone he meets is a new friend.  Every window a new portal of delight. Every face reflects another facet of Papa God.

What must we do to keep that wide eyed wonder of discovery going?  Dig in deeper every day to your relationship with Jesus.  Spend the time with Him in the heavenly realms walking with Him in the cool of the day, resting with Him in green pastures.  We are like Him capable of living in the terrestrial (physical) World and in the Spirit (heavenly) world at the same time.  As He is so are we in this world.

Having simultaneous access to heaven and earth gives us limitless capability to discover not only in the sweet by and by after we die, but even now as we walk in the spirit with Him.  We are not limited to this physical realm or what our minds can comprehend.  We like that infant will experience the unbridled wonder of discovering the limitless beauty of our Lord and His eternity.

Joy or Fear

Joy comes from the heart
Fear comes from the mind

Joy resides in the inner man, our true self or our spirit whereas fear lives in our soul or our rebellious nature.

Think about it, when we dwell on the negative thoughts and events around us we fall into fear. Our minds gravitate towards the negative most easily, especially in our over stimulated world of tech and media. The entire world system is driven by fear not joy. Even though we seek joy, dread and fear of not attaining it lie just under the surface of our striving to attain joy.

True joy is not the same as happiness. We have conflated the two and have settled for fleeting times of happiness as a salve for the lost joy. Joy comes from inside us, in our spirit, the deep place where we seek and find our connection with Yahweh.

Joy is neither fleeting nor fickle like happiness. It is a well of peace and love which bubbles up from our spirit and overcomes the rising tide of fear. Unlike the downward spiral of fear which drags one down to the depths. Joy lifts us up beyond all the dreadful events and ominous times we live in.

Let us live continuously from our spirit man drawing from the unquenchable source of life within us. The precious gift of the Holy Spirit.

Safe Place

Papa, there’s a place in you, by your side, where the questions are all known the answers all revealed.  None of the perplexities of life trouble us anymore because in you is perfect peace. 

Lead us to that green pasture by the flowing brook of the refreshing water of life.   To that safe place prepared for us to dwell in, a sanctuary of your love.  Beyond the veil of this physical world in the realm of your glory, you’ve made us a place of incomprehensible beauty and splendor.  A realm for us to share, to explore, to find the secrets you want to reveal and to open up new facets of yourself to me.  This is where truth cannot be hidden, it’s where beauty shines bright in your presence just as the darkness flees from you.  

While the world seems to be crashing in all around us.  Wars and rumors of wars, rebellion against truth and total delight in selfish gratification.  There’s a blatant rejection of Yahweh’s ways and  joyous embracing of the path to destruction.  You have made us a true safe place, not an imaginary place where no one will ever challenge our mindset, but your secret abode where your truth and love overwhelms our foolish ideas and the philosophies of man.  Living in the glow of your glorious grace.

Deep Waters or Bubbling Brooks

The words of a man’s mouth are deep waters; the fountain of wisdom is a bubbling brook.  Proverbs 18:4 

What do the “deep waters” signify in the Biblical narratives? I see a hidden place of judgement and isolation, darkness and death.   A place where the oppressive weight of the water was the only perceived movement.  They overwhelm and crush those who sink into their depths.  It’s not a happy place to be but a place of stagnation and death.

However bubbling brooks are associated with cleansing and refreshing, places where warriors rested and were refreshed, where evil was washed away in the running waters off life.  We know that the air mixed into the water as it bubbles over the rocks actually purifies the rushing water.  

So the words of a man’s heart show forth the true depths of his heart.  Whether it is evidence of good or bad intentions will be seen by all.   Does it reveal the stagnation and putrefaction of darkness or the life giving stream of water gushing forth by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Jump into the river of life, escape the pool of destruction!


Step into the narrow way, the path which leads you home.  There’s no wandering here, you must keep your eyes focused on the prize at the end for the path.  Like the yellow brick road in the story of the Wizard of Oz there are many interesting things, distractions and dangers along the way.   The enemy will try to lead you astray and even attack you directly as you go.  You will have friends who will travel with you and it will take you all cooperating together to make it to the goal.  This journey is not meant to be taken alone but then again reaching the prize at the end of the road is totally up to you.  Once you take those first steps on the path you are a target and at the same time you are the one who is a danger to the enemies along the way.  Do not give in to the fear of the unknown because you are known completely by the one who guides your steps.  In fact when you stumble and fall He’s the one who will pick you up and carry you while you heal.   Listen to His still small voice behind you giving you guidance as you go toward the prize.

Call me Away

You speak my name softly gently, and say “come away with me my beloved. Set aside the worries and cares they are not yours to carry.

You say, “I am your deliverance your quiet refuge your green pasture. This place of still waters and calm breezes is home. I made it for you and I as a secret place of fellowship.  Follow the beckoning call of my sweet soft voice to our refuge together. ”

I will respond to your love whispers as you draw me into sweet communion. Resting my head on your heart hearing the rhythm of life and love deep within I know this is where I belong wrapped in your arms of protection safe from all harm. 

”Oh, how abundant is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you, in the sight of the children of mankind! In the cover of your presence you hide them from the plots of men; you store them in your shelter from the strife of tongues.“

Psalm 31:19-20 ESV